
The Journey: An Orignal Poem About the Crossing Over of Pets on the Rainbow Bridge

The Journey:

Across the Rainbow Bridge
There is a place, the Rainbow Bridge, with colors of all hue…
It stretches through all space and time, to connect my heart to you

You were, you are, forever more, a part of all held near...
My inner child, my joy, my love, my little one so dear

My heartstrings stretch across the planes, to all my eyes can see…
To that inner world where all is felt, that keeps you close to me

When loved ones leave on journeys, across that Bridge of Light…
And hearts connect through love that’s shared, the beautiful and the bright

Through darkest clouds of pain and loss, to journeys that cross all time….
We fly on wings not of our own, our hearts, our spirits shine

We feel the sun's rays through us, we breathe in time, and space…
The hardness softens gently, the heaviness abates.

One moment measured out in time, one chord of celestial song…
Across that bridge, where magic waits, one heart light moves along

I feel you near, you comfort still, a sweet presence, not far apart…
The angels gather ‘round us both, in the gardens of our heart.

Original Poem by © Michele M. Bilyeu 2009

This Original Poem was inspired by the sudden and immensely painful loss of my precious Keira,
Sweet, Sweet Keira,
I’m so truly grateful for the 7 years you held your sweet face so very close to mine.

Post Note:

In my lifetime, I have been so blessed to have had over 75 pets. I cannot say that I loved them all the same. In fact, it is not always easy to love scorpions, or black widow spiders, or even turtles, or lizards, or iguanas, or rats. But someone in my family loved all of those, and I grew to if not love them, then still help to care for them. 

And so all of those and many dozen more animals of most species have shared our hearts and our home at one time or another. We have had visiting animals just show up...a cow, a goat, many horses, multitude of dogs and cats and chickens to join our own precious dogs and cats and chickens, and many lost animals needing our help to reunite them with their owners. 

And we have! It's amazing really but each and every owner has said the same thing..."It's as if they knew to come here that you loved animals and would help them find their owners when they were lost." We have, we did, and it wasn't always easy but we've never failed. And if they were orphans, or even feral, we took them in and I have cried over their losses and mourned deeply.