Loss is so hard...
Two more of our precious little feather kids were viciously attacked and are gone. It is so heartbreaking to know that either the dog from two acreage parcels over got more of our girls, or if it was a wild thing..a really big owl or a raccoon.
It is heartbreaking, each and every time. Raised from tiny babies, by either us or those that had to give them up to and we took them in, their are so loved by us. They are completely free range in the daylight but safely put into a coop and a night roost for the dark when wild predators seek food. Now, only the brighter black and white one still with us.
This time we lost Matilda, our old funny looking and absolute favorite of 8 years who has been attacked by dogs at two homes a total of 6 times. This time to not survive. Only a huge pile of feathers along with ...
Dorothy, one of our young'uns from a year and a half ago. We raised her from a few days old on, first in the dining room and then at 5 months in a coop where we blend her and two others, Edith and Little Nell into the brood of at that time ..Mathilda, Penelope, Ping, Pia, Gigi and Georgette.
We lost Gigi and Georgette..not a single sign of the attack so most likely a dog or something really big, Pia of what might have been natural causes, and then Penelope and Little Nell to the dog..who brought them home as prizes as dogs and cats are naturally inclined to do.
And now these dear little two.